(Click here for directions and map.) Online Bidding is now Open Open House and End of Sale February 8, 2025 starting at 10:00am Closing of individual lots starts at 12:10pm Duchesne County Centennial Event Center 60 W 400 S, Duchesne, UT 84021 (click for directions) Online bidding insures that you get a phone call, as the Individual Lots are being closed out starting at 12:10 pm (2/8/2025)
TJ Gold did a great job on the heifers this spring. Hate to sell this one.
Epic daughter, out of a F50 daughter. Talk about cow power. Take a look at this one, see what you think. Not sure we aren't selling one of our best ones.
We love our Vision Daughters. This is the first one offered up for sale,
Really Like this one. Moderate frame and thick. Out cross to most everything out there. Drive Heifers are really nice, love all of them in the pen.
Growth and power in the Warzone calves.
This calf was a twin. Came off the mountain over 700#. This cow has put a lot of calves in the sales for us. She will be the kind that gets it done year after year.
A Heifer with a productive mother. She will raise you some big calves.
You know we have had a crazy good Heifer year to be able to let these go. Upgrade x Drive. Powerful cow that comes from the 44 cow family. This Heifer fits right at the top of our pen. 778# on high elevation grass in steep country.
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