2022 Annual Sale

(Click here for directions and map.)

Pictures and detailed descriptions will be added soon

Online Bidding Starts January 26, 2022

Open House and End of Sale will be February 5, 2022 at 10:00am

Duchesne County Centennial Event Center
60 W 400 S, Duchesne, UT 84021
(click for directions)

  Online bidding insures that you get a phone call, as the Individual Lot # is being closed out at 12:30 pm (2/5/2022)

image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $7,600.00

Lot: 1

J63 PB Simmental

dam: Prime Beef sire: Boise

When you walk up to this bull it is easy to see why he is lot 1. His mass and body length really make him hard to overlook. Not many bulls with his width and muscle mass move as easily as he does. His mother is a cow you can build a program around. She is absolutely a performer. She has a great set of legs and a neat udder, that gives plenty of milk, while holding great structure and tit size. When you see her it is no surprise why we flushed her last spring. His mother is a cow that will have a lasting effect on our program for years to come. This is great bull to improve a program. We will be retaining 50% semen interest on this bull and collecting him prior to delivery.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $5,600.00

Lot: 2

Y144 3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus

dam: Trailblazer sire: F50 Grade Elevated

This is one of the best Blaze Faced bulls we have ever raised. Powerful, very thick and he moves so easy. He will make cattle you can run anywhere. When he was born, you could see he would be special. You could drive a long way and not find any that look better. This guy will be a difference maker. His sisters are as attractive of cattle, we have ever owned. The genetic influence of this bull would change your herd for generations.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $5,000.00

Lot: 3

J8 3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus

dam: Upgrade/ All Around sire: WS All Around

This bull has been one of my favorites since day one. Raised on a first calf heifer, he has been a standout all the way along. The thickness on this bull really sets him apart. His mother has a perfect udder and is easy fleshing. Better come get him before I decide to keep him for myself.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $4,800.00

Lot: 4

D4 1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus

dam: Grand Sire: MR NLC Upgrade U8676 sire: Boise

This bull really has what it takes to make you a bigger calf check. He is thick, deep and raised in steep rough country. If you need bulls that will work for a living this guy fits the bill.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $4,700.00

Lot: 5

C211 5/8 Simmental 3/8 Angus

dam: MOGCK Whispering Wind 48 sire: SWSN Cash Flow 81E

This bull did not come home until December. You May recognize the number, from his brothers in past sales. His dam has hit lots of home runs and she did it again. He is awesome. Don't look past this one. Put some grow in your calves.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $5,900.00

Lot: 6

J72 PB Simmental

dam: Elevate sire: Boise

This bull has a lot to like. He is a standout Pure Bred Simmental that will add a lot of hybrid vigor to your program. His genetics just work. His sire and grandsire have been extremely consistent bulls in adding quality and performance to our program. This bull is quality from top to bottom and has the performance to prove it.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $4,800.00

Lot: 7

D5 1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus

dam: B/R New Frontier 095 sire: Boise

This bull's dam stays fat all winter. Raises a big calf and takes care of herself. This is a bull that will impact your herd. With the prices of calves going up, better genetics will pay even more. He is the kind you want to own.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $3,900.00

Lot: 9

J7 1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus

dam: Upward O7G sire: RBS Boise B63

This is an embryo calf out of one of my best Angus cows, an Upward daughter, who will add power. This bull was a standout from day one and was the heaviest bull we raised this year. My favorite bulls are the ones that grow fast and moderate out at a good size. With a 73 pound birth weight he is a good heifer bull prospect.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $4,800.00

Lot: 10

J11 PB Simmental

dam: W/C Wide Track 694Y sire: Boise

This is a neatly made bull with a cool look. His mother was born at 77lbs and he was born at 78lbs. If you are looking for a bull that would be a good bet on heifers you might strongly consider this guy. He is a long-made bull with plenty of style and structure. He is another Pure Bred Simmy that will add chrome to those F1 females.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $4,200.00

Lot: 11

G403 PB Simmental

dam: TNT Tanker sire: Boise

A real eye catcher. Smooth, correct and powerful. This is a good one! Can't say enough good things about Tanker cows. They produce the highest selling bulls across the country. This bull will improve you herd, period. If you build good cows everything else will follow. This bull is a cow builder.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $3,900.00

Lot: 12

J1 3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus

dam: 1/2 Sim 1/2 An sire: W/C Wide Track 694Y

This bull is sure to catch your eye with plenty of chrome. He comes from a cow family that just lasts. His grandam raised her last calf at the age of 17. This bull is a smooth mover that will cover the country and put plenty of red meat in your calves.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $4,200.00

Lot: 13

X140 3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus

dam: Trailblazer sire: F50 Grade Elevated

Here is an F50 son that Is very well made. Our best heifers, this year, are sired by F50. His dam has been getting it done for many years here. Longevity and pounds, that's how you get paid.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $3,400.00

Lot: 14

C144 3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus

dam: MR NLC Upgrade U8676 sire: Boise

This bull comes from a good cow family, she was my Dad's. He wanted bulls every year, but he got heifers. When he traded her to me she had a bull. And he's a good one, that we know dad would have loved. This guy will make cows that work.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $3,700.00

Lot: 15

J86 3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus

dam: 1/2 Sim 1/2 An sire: F50 Grade Elevated

If you are looking to add some chrome to your replacement heifers this is a great place to start. His sire has produced our top-performing heifers the past two years. This bull is really smoothly made with a great set of wheels under him. His dam is super deep and consistently a great producer.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $4,000.00

Lot: 16

J95 1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus

dam: Angus sire: Tanker

When you look at this bull it is easy to see why we went back to his sire to add quality. His sire has produced some of the breed's top-performing cows. His dam is one of the most fertile cows at the ranch with her first five calves all being AI sired. He is also Homozygous Black.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $3,600.00

Lot: 17

F144 PB Simmental

dam: Cowboy Cut sire: SWSN Cash Flow 81E

PB that really looks the part. He is a very attractive well made bull, with lots of the most popular Simmental genetics behind him. Take a good look at him in person.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $3,700.00

Lot: 18

A44 3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus

dam: MR NLC Upgrade U8676 sire: Boise

From one of my favorite cows, in our herd. His dam is easy fleshing and powerful. This bull will make females that will improve your herd, and help make steers weigh up.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $4,600.00

Lot: 19

J28 PB Simmental

dam: Revenue sire: Wide Track

Here is another Pure Bred Simmental that will cross great on Angus-based cows. He is a bull I strongly considered keeping to help add pounds on my steers. He has been a great performer in the feed test. This is a great one to add pounds on your steers and hybrid vigor to your herd. He has the feet and legs that we rely on to do a good job on the mountain. This bull is also our highest ADG on test, gaining 4.41 lbs a day for three months.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $3,500.00

Lot: 20

J68 1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus

dam: Cole Creek Cedar Ridge sire: LKB Son of Ollie

This is a good bull with a great disposition. Back to Cedar Ridge on the bottom who sired great females with fleshing ability. Raised on Diamond Mountain he should travel out and get the job done.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $3,500.00

Lot: 21

B5 3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus

dam: NLC Upgrade sire: Boise

Love this cross. Great Angus and Simmental genetics. This guy will put grow and quality in your herd.

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