How many dollars is there to be made in better genetics and heterosis.


How many dollars is there to be made in better genetics and heterosis.

When we are going to spend any money we want to see a clear path of how we are going to get paid. We are headed into lower cattle numbers. Cattle are going to be worth a lot more money. To buy a futures contract on a 800# steer for 10/2023 it will cost you $2.04. So a 600# steer should be around $2.20 next fall. Any Cheap bull will cost you $2200. You can buy great bull at our sale for $5000.00. Last years average was $3900.00. But lets use the bigger number to make a point. 5000-2200= $2800. So $2800 is the investment difference that we want paid for. There are a bunch of ways good genetics pay you back. Pounds, maternal, longevity, feet & legs, vigor the list goes on. Lets just talk pounds for now. I have customers that have increased calf weights as much as 150# using Burton Simmental bulls. We will use 50# increase. 50 x $2.20= $110.00 per head. 25 calves per bull. That is $ 2,750 difference. You run that bull for 3 years. That's $8250 you get paid back for your $2,800.00 extra investment. $5450 in your pocket that is if salvage is the same. (salvage will be higher on the better bull.) If you raise your own replacement heifers you are going to love these genetics. The value of better genetics goes far past the life of the bull.

You can see how our bulls are doing at . More than 300 bulls there. Having a bull preview there on 1/28/2023. Come out lets visit.

Hope you had a great gather. Fantastic Thanksgiving and your fall feed is plentiful. Prices are going to be good for the next few years. Get things in place to take advantage of the market.