2025 Miles High Angus Burton Simmental Sale

(Click here for directions and map.) Online Bidding is now Open Open House and End of Sale February 8, 2025 starting at 10:00am Closing of individual lots starts at 12:10pm Duchesne County Centennial Event Center 60 W 400 S, Duchesne, UT 84021 (click for directions) Online bidding insures that you get a phone call, as the Individual Lots are being closed out starting at 12:10 pm (2/8/2025)

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SOLD - $11,250.00

Lot: 1

M4 3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus

dam: G4 (Allegence daughter) sire: Beast

He will fit in the top of any set of bulls. A March calf that came off the mountain 936#, it is hard to find a flaw. Elite in both TI and MI, a rare combination. Beast was the real deal and he knocked it out of the park here. This bulls dam is a great cow that gets it done every time. Big Blaze Face! What's not to like. This is the kind we want to make. Proud to offer this bull, he will get you paid in any direction. Smash the scales on sale day, or make the best cows you have. Gentle easy going and handsome.

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SOLD - $10,750.00

Lot: 2

M24 3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus

dam: E24 (095 New Frontier) sire: Beast

Big time bull! 968# coming off the mountain this fall and the first of January he weighed 1,200#. His dam is out of our Y24 cow, she weaned two Lot 1 sons that weaned over 1,000 lbs. With a TI in the elite range. Solid MI and a huge ribeye area. This is the kind! He looks a lot like his sire Beast; long bodied, easy moving, with great docility. He got it done on a steep mountain. You won't find many like him.

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SOLD - $9,500.00

Lot: 3

71M 1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus

dam: 371 (Cedar Wind daughter) sire: Vision

Definitely one of our favorite Bulls at weaning. He started the test at 898# and is coming strong. Mother is a good older cow, she has produced many top bulls sold in prior years sales. Vision and 371 are an amazing match.

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SOLD - $9,000.00

Lot: 4

M6 PB Angus

dam: Rita 4376 (Traction daughter) sire: Sitz Barricade 632F

Embryo Transplant Might be the best Angus bull we have raised. The heaviest bull at weaning for MHA, 990# at start of test. We think he is hard to fault in so far. Barricade semen is hard to find making it hard to find sons.

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SOLD - $7,750.00

Lot: 5

02M 1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus

dam: OO2 (Capitalist 316 daughter) sire: Warzone

Arguably the best Warzone Son offered today. Tons of growth at weaning and on test. He gained 4.44 per day. Mother is a big, middled cow.

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SOLD - $8,100.00

Lot: 6

75M 1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus

dam: 75 (Impressive daughter) sire: Vision

At the 1/2/2025 weigh in, this was the heaviest Vision son, in the sale offering. He had an average daily gain of 4.5# per day. Should make some big heavy steers and amazing heifers.

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SOLD - $6,250.00

Lot: 7

27M 1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus

dam: 727 (Call of Duty daughter) sire: Vision

This Vision son is another favorite from the start. He has a full sister that is just flat good. She should calve by sale day. We are very excited to see the first vision heifers to calve. This bull gained 4.88 per day. He is a good scamp.

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SOLD - $11,000.00

Lot: 8

M23 PB Simmental

dam: J23 (F50 Grade Elevated daughter) sire: Beast

Great Maternal number and the highest TI purebred in the group. Biggest Ribeye number there is HCW 9. Gaining almost 5# a day. Beast is proving himself to be one of the greats. Can't say enough good about the F50 Grade Elevated cows. Young cow brought this guy home from the high country at 850#. He really checks all the boxes.

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SOLD - $8,250.00

Lot: 9

M1132 PB Simmental

dam: E132 (King of Clubs daughter) sire: Beast

Out of one of our favorite cows. She is a King of Clubs daughter that goes back to Upgrade. With Beast as a Sire he is a heavy hitter. Elite Terminal Index. If you need your calves to pay your bills. This is how you get it done. Middle of March calf that came down the hill at 812#. The calves in this cow family get off the ground and get going.

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SOLD - $8,250.00

Lot: 10

M12 PB Simmental

dam: D12 (Upgrade daughter) sire: Drive

Elite MI solid TI. Love the dam. Great cow making genetics on both sides. Really is the kind to get it done. DNA shows a moderate BW and good CED. We would run him on our heifers. Proven on high elevation grass. Super PAP score.

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SOLD - $7,250.00

Lot: 11

62M 1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus

dam: 962 (Warhorse) sire: Vision

A Vision son with a bit more frame, The lightest actual birth weight of the Vision sons at 81 lbs. He has gained well at 4.25 per day . Excellent PAP score.

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SOLD - $6,500.00

Lot: 12

05M 1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus

dam: 805 (Altitude daughter) sire: Warzone

Warzone came from Lewis farms in Canada. He is owned by Burton Simmental and Miles High. We are very excited about his first calf crop. They are the growing kind. Weaned off heavy and growing really well on test. This bulls dam is a great producer she raised the MHA top seller last year.

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SOLD - $8,750.00

Lot: 13

M41 3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus

dam: J41 (Boise daughter) sire: Beast

Got to love the Beast sons. The Boise dams really did a great job this year. Over 800# not bad for her second calf. TI is elite and a solid MI and gaining 4.4# a day on a ration made for 3.2#. This bull has a great stay number. (DNA Indicators that are used to predict how long animals will stay in your herd) Great muscle and thickness.

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SOLD - $6,750.00

Lot: 14

M78 PB Angus

dam: 278 (Really Windy 141 daughter) sire: SAV Scale House

The only SAV Scalehouse calf we have This bull has always been a standout. His 14 year old mother has proven herself sending numerous high selling sons to sales. He sports a great Pap score of 34 and -1.47 PAP epd.

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SOLD - $6,750.00

Lot: 15

M208 PB Angus

dam: 8208 (Prowler daughter) sire: LFE BA Lewis 813J (Bravo)

Ideal Bull big and stout enough to put pounds on the truck, but maternal enough to make replacement heifers. He has good feet and leg, easy fleshing, the kind to cover the country and look good doing it.

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SOLD - $4,750.00

Lot: 16

M3 PB Angus

dam: Lawson Chloe D907 (Renown daughter) sire: Hummel South America

Embryo Transplant/Coleman breeding We are just flat thrilled with this mating . Good structure, plenty of performance. If you like Coleman breeding here is a genetic gem.

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SOLD - $5,200.00

Lot: 17

M55 PB Angus

dam: 1155 (Renown daughter) sire: LFE BA Lewis 813J (Bravo)

We purchased (Bravo) from the LFE program in Canada. We appreciated him for his Top 1% $M (maternal) Claw and angle(feet) epds and top 15% docility . Dam is young cow purchased from Colemans. Bull gained 4.31# on the 1/3/2025 weight in, on the test.

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SOLD - $7,500.00

Lot: 18

52M 1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus

dam: M H A Henrietta G 752 (Charlo daughter) sire: SFI Brigade D21

This Brigade son is moderate in frame size, really thick and weighs up well. He has gained right with the best of them at 4.63 per day on test, and he has a great PAP score.

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SOLD - $5,000.00

Lot: 19

M08 PB Angus

dam: 5208 (Traction daughter) sire: Showman

We can't say enough about this bull's Dam, EASY fleshing, fertility, moderate, good feet, she is ten years old and had a keeper every year. Ideal cow minimal intake and maximum output. Crossed with the most similar cross to maintain or improve the easy fleshing maternal kind of bull for the cattleman.

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SOLD - $7,800.00

Lot: 20

74M 1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus

dam: 174 (Calvary daughter) sire: Vision

Another good Vision son, The Vision are as consistently good as we have seen. This one gained 4.96# per day at the 1/3/2025 weigh in. Out of a really good young cow.

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