2023 Annual Sale

(Click here for directions and map.)

Pictures and detailed descriptions will be added soon

Online Bidding Starts January 25, 2023

Open House and End of Sale will be February 4, 2023 at 10:00am

Duchesne County Centennial Event Center
60 W 400 S, Duchesne, UT 84021
(click for directions)

  Online bidding insures that you get a phone call, as the Individual Lot # is being closed out at 12:30 pm (2/4/2023)

image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $4,000.00

Lot: 21

K64 PB Sim

dam: F50 Grade Elevated sire: All Around Bettis

Grade Elevated, Upgrade, Prime Beef, Bettis, All Around and Elevate are just a few reasons to consider this bull. He is the first calf to come from a F50 daughter and it won't be the last. His Dam is backed by the top cows in our program. This bull is one to consider using on heifers with a BW of 75lbs. This blaze face bull will be sure to catch your eye.

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SOLD - $3,800.00

Lot: 22

F144 PB Simmental

dam: Mr Jake daughter, Upgrade grandaughter, Wide Track grandaughter sire: Cash Flow

Born at 69 lbs, and a rough trip off the mountain, but gaining more than 4.5 lbs . This bull will be in the Heifer bull group. I like them born a bit bigger. But he didn't act like he was small, just took off. This kind of bull you could run on Heifers for a few years.

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SOLD - $  0.00

Lot: 23

G40 3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus

dam: Allegence daughter sire: Tanker

Potential Heifer Bull. Mother is very feminine. This cow family makes them born light. He is gaining right at the middle of our pen. Tanker is a great bull. This cow family is the most docile I have.

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SOLD - $  0.00

Lot: 24

K16 1/2 Sim 1/2 AN

dam: Sandpoint Butkus X797 sire: TNT Tanker

Born at 75lbs and out a very heavy calving ease cow. This is one you might consider on your heifers. His dam is moderate and thick with a great udder and very small tits. This Tanker son is smooth from head to tail and has a very sleek head. He is younger than most of the pen but don't let that be the reason to over look him. Weaned at over 700lbs.

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SOLD - $3,700.00

Lot: 25

K752 1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus

dam: Coleman Charlo 0256 sire: Ollie

This Bulls mother is one of the smallest frame cows we own. That being said, she is no scrub. A 1200 pound cow that will raise a 800 pound bull calf is where it is at. Charlo is loved by cattlemen that run on the range for a reason. This bull should be no different bringing moderation, maternal, and decent calving ease without giving up weaning weight.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $4,000.00

Lot: 26

F24 5/8 Simmental 1/8 Angus

dam: Mr Matt daughter, All Around grandaughter sire: F50 Grade Elevated

Gaining almost 4 lbs a day, the first month of the test. Love the 24 cow family and they cross so well with F50 Grade Elevated. His maternal grandsire was a really thick WS All Around son. He has a moderate birth weight and frame. Fancy white markings on his face!

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $4,800.00

Lot: 27

E580 PB Simmental

dam: Cowboy Cut daughter, Upgrade sire: F50 Grade Elevated

Purebred red bull. I saw his full brother at Tracy Killian's this last fall. Wow!!. He is a white face, F50 Grade Elevated son out of a Cowboy Cut cow. If you like red ones he would do you a great Job!

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $5,100.00

Lot: 28

H62 PB Simmental

dam: Boise daughter, Trailblazer grandaughter sire: State of War

Out of a first calf heifer, this Bulls dam has done a incredible job. Lots of grow, with an 862 lbs weaning and then1025 lbs 30 days later. Take a hard look at him. Correction; This bull is a State Of War son he was miss marked as a F50.

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SOLD - $3,000.00

Lot: 29

A15 1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus

dam: 095 New Frontier grandaughter sire: Tanker

Tanker son out of a very solid angus cow that goes back to 095 New Frontier. This Bull was late coming off the mountain and got weaned straight to the feedlot. He started off with a bang, gaining over 5 lbs a day the first month of the test. We love cattle that can get through hard times and take off, when given the opportunity. His mother is 9 and still looks youthful.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $3,000.00

Lot: 30

F02 3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus

dam: Upgrade daughter sire: F50 Grade Elevated

Wow what a recovery! This guy had a hard trip home. He was held in mountain corrals with nothing to eat until we got to him. One night on feed in our corrals, then pulled off the cow and sent to Gillman's. He gained over 6 lbs a day, the first 30 days. We love tough cattle. His dam calved as a yearling, so he has fertility behind him. Nice looking Bull. Put him to work for you.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $3,800.00

Lot: 31

K95 3/4 Sim 1/4 AN

dam: Hooks Baltic sire: TNT Tanker

If you like bulls with BIG Nuts, Butts and Guts, this one will be high on your list. This bull is super quiet and has a lot to offer. He is extra wide with loads of depth. TNT Tanker is known for making great bulls and replacement females. When you look at the Tanker Sire group you can see why he is so popular. This Homo Black Homo Poled bull is one to consider if you have off colored cows or just want to stay Homo Black in your program.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $3,000.00

Lot: 32

D24 5/8 Simmental 3/8 Angus

dam: New Frontier grandaughter, Trail Blazer grandaughter sire: F50 Grade Elevated

This Bull's mother, is really functional. Day in and day out, just solid. Add the quality of F50 Grade Elevated and you get a winner. 970 lb weaning that gets you paid. He is long and moves easy.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $3,700.00

Lot: 33

C134 3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus

dam: Bar Ext x Upgrade daughter sire: Tanker

Real mountain type cow family. Upgrade is known for moderate frame and thick and Tanker is all about quality cows. This cow family are real travelers, they eat up the rough country. I would run this Bull on our Heifers. 78 lb birth weight out of a mature cow. Gaining just under 4 lbs a day his first 30 days. The Cow family is not mean, but not gentle either. This calf is pretty quiet, but family can be a bit watchy.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $4,900.00

Lot: 34

K53 PB Sim

dam: NLC Upgrade sire: LFE The Riddler

Here is another ET bull and full brother to K52. This bull hangs a little more leather and a little heavier Simmental look. He is one of the most docile bulls in the pen. These genetics are second to none when it comes to females. My goal with this flush was to get as many females as i could and i wish these two sons were heifers. Great option if your looking for some more Simmental influence.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $3,300.00

Lot: 35

E2 3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus

dam: Upgrade daughter sire: State of War

This State of War son was late coming off the mountain. He gained 4.76 lbs a day his first month in the feedlot. His dam is a wide and stout cow, that puts grow in all her calves. She had a son that finished the test at over 6 lbs a day. The State of War sons have been popular in other sales around the state. Check him out he is a good one.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $3,000.00

Lot: 36

K80 1/2 Simmental !/2 Angus

dam: In Focus sire: F50 Grade Elevated

Larger frame Bull, out of a cow that has been a good one. Raising this calf at 11 years old this year. She still looks great with no signs of slowing down. Longevity in your cow herd makes you money. Summered on the mountain range.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $3,100.00

Lot: 37

D118 3/8 Simmental 5/8 Angus

dam: New Frontier grandaughter sire: E2

This Bulls sire was the high gaining bull at the feedlot a few years ago. If you need a bull to help your calves push the scales down, this is your guy. Over 900lbs coming off the cow in the Fall. We sell them by the pound.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $3,500.00

Lot: 38

D158 5/8 Simmental 3/8 Angus

dam: Bettis Grandaughter sire: F50 Grade Elevated

Moderate framed F50 Grade Elevated son, that's thick with a huge middle. His Bettis grand dam is one of easiest fleshing cows in the herd. 9 years old, and she is still getting it done in rough country.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $3,400.00

Lot: 39

K93 1/2 Sim 1/2 AN

dam: PB Angus sire: LFE The Riddler

If your looking to add some vigor but not sure if you want use a pure bred bull here is a great option. His dam is arguably one of the prettiest cows in the herd, and that is probably the main reason she is one of the last Angus cows we have. This one is super smooth made with a moderate 80lb BW. Bulls with this much Phenotype are sure to be favorites in your bull pen. Another Riddler son and there wont be many more available with no more riddler semen available. Great Genetics to have in your herd.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $3,000.00

Lot: 40

H131 PB Simmental

dam: Boise daughter, King of Clubs grandaughter sire: State of War

Purebred out of a 2 year old. His grand dam is one of the best on my place. No holes in this Bulls pedigree. Take a real serious look. He is gaining more than 4 lbs a day. His sire, State of War, has been a popular bull in the breed.

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