2022 Annual Sale

(Click here for directions and map.)

Pictures and detailed descriptions will be added soon

Online Bidding Starts January 26, 2022

Open House and End of Sale will be February 5, 2022 at 10:00am

Duchesne County Centennial Event Center
60 W 400 S, Duchesne, UT 84021
(click for directions)

  Online bidding insures that you get a phone call, as the Individual Lot # is being closed out at 12:30 pm (2/5/2022)

image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $3,000.00

Lot: 22

J85 5/8 Simmental 3/8 Angus

dam: 1/4 Sim 3/4 An sire: Wide Track

J85 is a great bull to add width, body length, and that extra muscle on a moderate frame. His dam is a productive cow that has good spring of rib with a great udder. This bull is sure to show you why his sire has been so popular.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $3,000.00

Lot: 23

B4 1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus

dam: B/R New Frontier 095 sire: Boise

Lots of bulls, in this years sale, are bred this way. That what makes them such a uniform and consistent group. This bull has grow and eye appeal. He will really be an asset to your bull battery.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $3,000.00

Lot: 24

B2 1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus

dam: B/R New Frontier 095 sire: F50 Grade Elevated

This bull will make you a calf check. His birth weight is a bit higher, but he will make heavy calves. If you need a little more frame and grow here you go. He is the kind I run on my cows to clean up. He will get you paid, come time to sell your calves.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $3,400.00

Lot: 25

D109 1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus

dam: Grand Sire: B/R New Frontier 095 sire: F50 Grade Elevated

This is the youngest bull we have in the sale. Took him just a bit to get going. The quality is there. When I deliver him ready to work he is going to be a beast. In a level playing field, I believe, He would be in the top 5. He was not a late calf, because of fertility of dam. She had a Injury, in the rocks on the mountain.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $3,100.00

Lot: 26

Z132 3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus

dam: MR NLC Upgrade U8676 sire: E2

This bull's dam is in the back ground of a bunch of bulls we have used. His sire gained 6lbs a day one month in Gillman's test. He is younger than most bulls in the test. Don't just look past him. He is the right kind.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $  0.00

Lot: 27

J72 (white tag) 1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus

dam: Hoover Dam sire: RBS Boise B63

Raised off a 10 year old cow who catches AI and has never been late. She is still in great shape with no sign of slowing down. In todays world of everyone epd chasing and unproven cattle knowing a bull is backed by a proven cow is worth a lot. Come check him out.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $3,000.00

Lot: 28

C134 3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus

dam: MR NLC Upgrade U8676 sire: SWSN Cash Flow 81E

We love the way this cow looks and moves. this Cash Flow son will follow your cows anywhere. He is made to climb mountains and cover cows. Bred to make attractive, good growing calves.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $3,000.00

Lot: 29

A118 1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus

dam: B/R New Frontier 095 sire: Boise

095 has had a big influence on our herd, giving us some good solid cows. This Boise son will provide heterosis and genetic quality to your cow herd. Easy moving smooth looking bull.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $3,000.00

Lot: 30

D580 3/4Simmental 1/4 Angus

dam: Grand Sire: B/R New Frontier 095 sire: W/C Wide Track 694Y

You need to go look at this guy in person! He is thick. If you have some large frame cows this guy will moderate and put muscle on. Lots of hair if you need one to make 4H project cattle.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $3,000.00

Lot: 31

E144 PB Simmental

dam: Hook’s Beacon 56B sire: SWSN Cash Flow 81E

This bull's dam is out of the highest TPI bull in the breed, in his time. If you want PB this guy is him. The 144 cow family lasts a long time and produce very well.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $3,000.00

Lot: 32

Z13 3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus

dam: MR NLC Upgrade U8676 sire: Boise

This bull's dam has had some good ones. This bull will look better as time goes on He will help increase profits as the prices up swing.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $3,900.00

Lot: 33

D133 3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus

dam: WS All-Around Z35 sire: Boise

This guy is a Heifer Bull. Love the cow family. Low birth weight. Very Maternal. Make great cows. If you want to sleep while your Heifers calve, buy this one. He will work great on cows, when he out grows heifers.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $3,400.00

Lot: 34

J93 1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus

dam: Angus sire: F50 Grade Elevated

This bull is very cleanly made. His dam is a very easy fleshing cow with plenty of performance. Don't overlook this bull because he is a month younger than most of the pen. He is also a good bull to consider using on heifers.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $3,000.00

Lot: 35

Z244 3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus

dam: MR NLC Upgrade U8676 sire: E132

I like this guy. He checks the right boxes for us. Good solid dam, on the maternal side. His sire was the best looking bull we have raised so far. This bull will get it done for you.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $3,000.00

Lot: 36

B36 3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus

dam: MR NLC Upgrade U8676 sire: SWSN Cash Flow 81 E

These Upgrade cows, on this bull's maternal side, are what put us in the Simmental business. They just work, and this Cash Flow son will do a job for you.

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image blog post last sunday

Lot: 37

J3 1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus

dam: Angus sire: W/C Wide Track 694Y

This bull comes from a cow that is moderate and highly functional. This particular bull carries a little more frame than most Wide Track sons. He is a good option to add growth without adding to much size in your cow herd.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $3,600.00

Lot: 38

E580 PB Simmental

dam: CCR Cowboy Cut 5048Z sire: F50 Grade Elevated

Another PB bull with a blaze face. This has a red gene on both sides and a full brother that was red. A bunch of good bulls from this family of cattle.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $3,000.00

Lot: 39

C2033 3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus

dam: MR NLC Upgrade U8676 sire: SWSN Cash Flow 81E

This bull's cow family has been on our place since we started building this Simmental herd. A solid bull, which will make cattle that last. He will give your herd heterosis boost.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $3,000.00

Lot: 40

A203 3/4 Simmental 1/4 Angus

dam: MR NLC Upgrade U8676 sire: SWSN Cash Flow 81E

This bull's cow family is the same as Lot 39, they have been on our place since we started building this Simmental herd. A solid bull, which will make cattle that last.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $  0.00

Lot: 41

E24 5/8 Simmental 3/8 Angus

dam: Grand Sire: Trailblazer sire: Boise

Great cows behind this bull. His last year brother was right at the top of the whole test. Good cross bull.

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