2022 Annual Sale

(Click here for directions and map.)

Pictures and detailed descriptions will be added soon

Online Bidding Starts January 26, 2022

Open House and End of Sale will be February 5, 2022 at 10:00am

Duchesne County Centennial Event Center
60 W 400 S, Duchesne, UT 84021
(click for directions)

  Online bidding insures that you get a phone call, as the Individual Lot # is being closed out at 12:30 pm (2/5/2022)

image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $3,000.00

Lot: 42

J19 1/2 Simmental 1/2 Angus

dam: Cache sire: LKB Son of Ollie

Nice little bull that was mountain raised. Will get out and cover the country. Born at 70lbs he is a good heifer bull prospect.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $3,500.00

Lot: 43

J38 PB Simmental

dam: Elevate sire: Boise

This bull is super correct in his structure. His dam is a first calf heifer that has a bright future at Burton Simmental. She is a well-built cow with a perfect udder. This bull is another PB Simmental that will add more of that Hybrid Vigor in your calves.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $3,200.00

Lot: 44

D62 PB Simmental

dam: MR NLC Upgrade U8676 sire: Boise

This bull would be one you could run on heifers. Finer boned, if you need one to fill that spot in you bull battery. Take a look at him.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $3,800.00

Lot: 45

G130 PB Simmental

dam: Player sire: Boise

Heifer safe bull. He is out of a fist calf heifer that shows some promise.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $2,200.00

Lot: 46

J5 3/4 simm 1/4 Ang

dam: Bettis sire: Boise

Fancy heifer out of the better end of our replacements. Maternal cow making bulls on both sides of her pedigree.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $2,100.00

Lot: 47

J72 PB Simmental

dam: Optimizer sire: Boise

This is a nice heifer that shouldn't be in the sale. It's hard enough to raise a PB Simmy let alone find one that is for sale. I kept a full sister, to this heifer, last year and this heifer is the better of the two. She is more cleanly made than her dam and has just as good of feet and legs. Cow families that just work year in and year out are hard to find.

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image blog post last sunday
SOLD - $2,100.00

Lot: 48

J8 1/2 Simm

dam: Final Answer sire: Boise

Look her over. Quality heifers are going to hard be to find. Here is one that has what it takes to be profitable in the future.

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