Our Spot in the Chain


Our Spot in the Chain

I am in a unique position to see thousands of calves and yearlings shipped. I see the cattle that are rejected or sought after. I get to here first hand about how buyers are keeping track of peoples cattle. Buyers care where the cattle come from and the reputation of producers. Health programs are discussed. Breeding is talked about. Feeders experience with the cattle is reported. We have to invest in the complete production cycle of our cattle, or we will be left behind. We have to care what our calves will do after they move on from us. I know how tight the margins are in this business. We have to do everything we can to make it.

I read an article about feed yards demanding cross bred cattle. The claim was that the straight bred cattle had a higher death loss. Heterosis works at every level of production. Your cows, your calves and your bulls. I truly am for any breeding strategy that has a clear and direct path to getting you paid. Your breeding strategy needs to get everyone in the chain paid. If you are running Burton Simmental bulls, let buyers know that. They know who we are. If you would like to visit with me about marketing your cattle I would love to talk. We could talk about health programs. We are headed into a time with higher prices, but to get paid all we can. We need to have the cattle that work for the next guy.

I love where I live and what I do. I am a student of this industry. I learn more every day. If you need cattle that will stay profitable in rough country on marginal feed, buy bulls from some one that runs them like that. No " Pasture Princesses " here. These cattle will move down the production chain and help build your reputation as a producer.